Clinical Trial: NCT05675410 | AHOD2131 | COG-AYA

NCT Number: NCT05675410

Protocol ID: AHOD2131

Sponsor: COG-AYA

Disease Site: Lymphoma-Hodgkin's

Disease Category: Lymphoma

Detail: A Randomized Phase 3 Interim Response Adapted Trial Comparing Standard Therapy with Immuno-oncology Therapy for Children and Adults with Newly Diagnosed Stage I and II Classic Hodgkin Lymphoma

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National Clinical Trial Identifier

The National Clinical Trial (NTC) is assigned by the National Library of Medicine when a new study appears in the clinical trials database.

ex: NCT0526225 | GY026 | NRG


Any unique identifier assigned to the protocol by the sponsor.

ex: NCT0526225 | GY026 | NRG


A sponsor is an individual, institution, company or organization that takes the responsibility to initiate, manage and/or finance the clinical trial.

ex: NCT0526225 | GY026 | NRG