Cancer Covered Podcast
The practice of cancer medicine is complex and demanding. And like anything that takes practice, we’ll spend our whole lives trying to get it right. In each episode, the white coats come off as the dedicated men and women who take on cancer every day unpack the complexities of their work and share stories of how it’s done—and why they keep at it.
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Dr. Evan Wenig is a board-certified medical oncologist and hematologist at Green Bay Oncology. Originally...

Discover Dr. Judy Tjoe's inspiring journey into breast surgery and oncology in this episode of Cancer...

Steve Slocum, Chief Strategy Officer, and Megan Bies, Green Bay Oncology's brand specialist, are excited...

On today’s episode, we dive into the topic of chemotherapy ports. We discuss what they are, how they...

In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Brian Burnette and Dr. Michael Guiou about the...

In this episode, we’re joined by the pioneering founders of Green Bay Oncology – Dr. Paul Koch, Dr. Skip...

Cancer research and treatment has come a long way over the last few decades. From having only a handful...

Mitch and Kyla delve into hair loss during cancer treatment in today’s episode. We explore why certain...

In this week’s episode, I am joined by Dr. Brian Burnette and Dr. Michael Guiou to discuss the importance...

In today's episode, Kyla and Mitch delve into the uncomfortable conversations surrounding cancer. With...

Tony joins us today to discuss why providing cancer care close to home is essential. We discuss the travel...
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