Cancer Covered Blog

Another Advance in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer

For many years, options for the treatment of advanced prostate cancers remained unchanged while advances were made in other areas of cancer treatment. 

That has changed recently with multiple new treatments for prostate cancer.  Enzulatimide (Xtandi) is the latest development in advanced prostate cancer treatment.

We have known for a long time that blocking testosterone can be an effective way of treating prostate cancer; but often the cancer cells learn to grow despite this blockade.  One way cancer cells have become resistant is by using the androgen receptor (where testosterone acts) to drive cell growth and spread, even when testosterone is not present.  This new medicine, Enzulatimide, can enter the cell and destroy this receptor effectively halting the cancer in place.

Enzulatimide appears to be well-tolerated and has been shown to increase survival of prostate cancer patients.

Please discuss any questions you may have with your physician.

Dr. Matthew Ryan signature
Matthew Ryan, MD

Matthew has a knack for bringing people together and a caring way of making you feel safe and comfortable.

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