Cancer Covered Blog

Infusing Substance into “Commitment”

Among the topics tossed around the media is the word commitment. Television commercials, actors, product sales brochures are chock full of this word. Is it overused, attaining the stature of meaningless? Would it benefit us to infuse some substance into that word?

Your medical provider may have some insight into the word commitment. After all, they generally have been bestowed some amount of faith by the public. How is that earned? Is it years of schooling? Well, there are plenty of well-educated people in this community. Is it simply given to a person that is well compensated for their efforts? The relationship between financial gain and commitment is flimsy.

There is a balance between serving the public and receiving gratification in return. As youngsters, many people fantasize about glamorous life choices. Athletes, rock stars, astronauts all came to mind in my youth. I am not certain why I did not go one of those routes, beyond an obvious lack of talent. For whatever reason, I am glad I chose a meaningful profession that served others and is eminently interesting. And it is a long-lived choice, not something impossible after age 35. This balance occurs when effort is made and a sense of accomplishment results. It’s gratifying work. Your healthcare giver gets to experience that satisfaction regularly.

So why the commitment? There is impetus to serve, the possibility of a long career, a sense of doing something important every day, and receiving gratitude regularly.

The community of Green Bay has been a wonderful place to practice and raise a family. The quality of my practice could not be much better elsewhere. My family has felt welcomed here, received a good education, been raised in a safe environment, and been intertwined in the community. Relationships have spanned 2 or 3 generations in a short time. My fellow inhabitants have shown respect to me and my family, deepening my desire to help them. I can’t imagine my experience is unique; this community respects hard, benevolent efforts. I came with the willingness to help and the plans to continue helping long term. I did not expect that to be easy. Challenges arise each day; I hope my capabilities can match. The response of the patients lets me know these efforts are appreciated.

Now what about commitment? Clearly, many different facets enter into it. A 2 way street exists; there is a motivation to serve and appreciation is returned, triggering the process to repeat itself. It is almost mathematical, yet is anything but mathematical.

Jules H Blank; since 1984.


Jules Blank, MD

Jules faces every day with high energy and a steadfast drive to help others.

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