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Patient Bill of Rights
To provide a mechanism to define the relationship between The Cancer Center and its patients and to emphasize the need for the observance of the rights and responsibilities of patients.
Our foremost concern is to provide for our patients’ health care needs, while recognizing their dignity as human beings. We support and protect the fundamental human, civil, constitutional, and statutory rights of each patient according to the following procedure:
Our patients have the right to:
- expect us to operate according to a code of ethical behavior;
- expect impartial, considerate, and respectful care regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, age or handicap;
- obtain from your physician current information concerning your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in terms you reasonably can be expected to understand;
- receive from your physician information necessary to give informed consent before any procedure or treatment. Except in emergencies, such information should include the specific procedure or treatment, the medically significant risks involved, and the probable duration of incapacitation. Where medically significant alternatives for care or treatment exist, or when you request information concerning medical alternatives, you have the right to that information;
- know who is responsible for your care and participate in planning for treatment. You may also refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law, and should be informed of the medical consequences of your action;
- receive every consideration of privacy concerning your medical care program. Case discussion, consultation, examination, and treatment should be conducted discreetly; and all communications and records pertaining to your care are treated as confidential;
- prompt assessment and management of your pain by health care professionals who are committed to bringing you comfort;
- expect that within our capacity, we will respond to your requests for services. We provide evaluation, service, and/or referral as indicated by the urgency of the case. You have the right to receive complete information and explanation concerning the needs for an alternative to a transfer to another facility;
- present complaints regarding quality of care. Complaints may be presented in person or in writing to the department leader or administration; you will receive a response. Presentation of a complaint does not compromise your future access to care;
- access protective services;
- obtain information about any relationship of this cancer center to other health care and educational institutions, as concerns your care;
- expect reasonable continuity of care and that you are informed by your physician of continuing health care needs following discharge;
- receive a reasonable estimate of charges, on request, before treatment and an explanation of your bill, regardless of source of payment. Have the right to receive full information on the availability of known financial resources for your case and, if you are eligible for Medicare, to know that our group accepts the Medicare assignments of benefits;
- know the regulations that apply to your conduct as a patient.