What is an advance directive?

An advance directive is simply an instruction or set of instructions about how you want to be cared for. It’s intended to represent you and your wishes in the event you become unable to speak for yourself.

Are clinical trials dangerous?

There’s risks and benefits to consider for every medical intervention. The risks of clinical trial participation are outlined very clearly prior to participation. Clinical trials are not without risk, just like standard care.

Are people on clinical trials guinea pigs?

No. Patients on phase II or phase III clinical trials most often receive standard care treatments or newer but established as safe treatments. Such clinical trials are highly regulated and controlled.

Can I stop a clinical trial after I start?

Whether a patient is on a clinical trial or not, they always control their care. Patients have the right to stop any care, at any time, for any reason whether a patient is on a clinical trial or not.

Do clinical trials use sugar pills?

Almost never, though there are select situations in which there is no clearly defined standard of care for which no treatment has been proven to be effective. In this situation, participants could be randomized to a new treatment versus a placebo.  Generally, phase III clinical trials randomize patients to a standard of care, newer treatment, or standard […]

Do doctors get paid more if I’m on a clinical trial?

No, in fact, it’s probably the opposite. Enrolling a patient in a clinical trial and providing care while on the clinical trial takes more time and resources than patients receiving standard treatment. This may decrease the amount of time a physician has to see other patients.

Do I have to share my information with the government while on a clinical trial?

Many clinical trials are designed and managed by the National Cancer Institue (NCI) in the United States. This is a government funded agency whose goal is to improve cancer care. Data from many clinical trials are collected and stored within the NCI or aligned agencies, however, it is typically de-identified such that patients are protected from […]

How do I tell my loved one I have cancer?

You should tell them the way we hope you were told – clearly, concisely, and with extra time taken together to talk about any emotions you or they may be feeling.